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","inLanguage":"en-VN"},"inLanguage":"en-VN"},{"@type":"Question","@id":"","position":3,"name":"Benefits of Registering ","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"By registering with us, you will be able to shop online quickly and easily, be the first to discover the latest information from The World of Jo Malone London and much more.\n\n As a registered member you will receive exclusive benefits:
Be the First to Know\n
\n The latest information from The World of Jo Malone™: from limited edition\n collections and product launches to unique gift ideas.
Fast Checkout\n
\n By storing your billing and delivery address information, can\n make shopping online quicker and easier.
Order Tracking\n
\n To keep you up-to-date with exactly where your purchase is, and when it will\n arrive with you.
Order History
\n Ensure your personal shopping and gift giving needs are met with ease by\n ordering from your past purchases.
I want to become a member now\n
\n At we respect your privacy. We will never give your personal\n information to anyone unless you request us to do so or unless it is in\n accordance with clause 5 of our Privacy Policy.\n
\n\n Jo Malone Online Privacy Policy\n